The day has arrived!

This is it, folks!  Charlie, Bill, and Brian just finished their last final of the semester, kicked back a few bottles of River Horse outside of class (seriously), and are now gearing up for the World Series of Birding.  At approximately 10 p.m. they will depart for the Great Swamp to start the 24-hour extravaganza listening for bitterns, rails, and owls.  From there it's straight to the tip of New Jersey, listening for more night birds along the way, and finally settling in for the dawn chorus.  Warblers, sparrows, and bears - oh my! we may or may not see a bear, but they don't count anyway.  World Series of Mammals isn't until next month.

Down through central NJ until we hit Duke Farms.  Breeding Bald Eagles and grassland birds await.  South Amboy is a possibility for Little Gull and Great Cormorant, and then it's down south until we reach Brigantine National Wildlife Refuge.  From there it's onto Heislerville, Belleplain, Cape May Point, Stone Harbor, and finally to Jake's Landing for any rails or night species we may have missed.  Of course we'll have a big update on Sunday or Monday with a full report including species seen and cups of coffee chugged.

Thanks for your support, everyone!  This is going to be a blast, and we're already getting excited for next year when we have a little more time before the event.  Get ready, birding world, the Scarlet Knight Herons are about to make a name for themselves!

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you all the best luck in upholding the Scarlet Knighthood ... I'll be at Sandy Hook with the Century Run there.

    Now, far be it from me to quarrel with a River Horse sponsorship - but I think you could have garnered a Scarlet sponsorship as well, at least from the Cook SEBS ... and permission to bird that property at the end of Great Bay Road.

    Your route is interesting ... watch for sandhills along the way.


    Susan Treesh
